I am trying to create a high-resolution sky patch (and its values) with a finer resolution than the Reinhart Sky, using 10-minute intervals.
As shown below, there are additional options, such as 2,305 sky patches, which can be generated using the density parameter. This parameter seems to be hardcoded in the SkyMatrix object of ladybug_radiance.
Could you help me generate a high-resolution sky patch?
You are right that the parameter is hardcoded in ladybug-radiance. You can either get the default patches or 2305 patches – you cannot go higher like in honeybee-radiance. I will let @chris decide if he wants to remove this restriction in ladybug-radiance.
To generate the hoys for the 10-minute interval you can use the LB Analysis Period component and set the timestep to 6.
Sorry – you cannot get 2305 patches, but only 577 patches by setting the high density to True. I didn’t pay attention when reading the documentation of the LB Cumulative Sky Matrix component, and just saw the number 4 in “… roughly 4 times …”, which equals 2305 patches in Radiance.