Honey bee forum Number of points in ill files doesn’t match the number of points in point files


I am trying to read annual daylight result from daylight analysis but some how I get this error and even by changing the number of cpu I do not see any difference.
It seems like I cannot upload anything but here is a link to the model and grasshopper script.


Here is also an image of the model, I get the result from the daylight analysis but get the error with readannualresult l.

Can some one help me figure this out? I would really appreciate it.

Thank You,

The component you are using to read results is for the annual simulations. For a grid based simulation that you have, you only need Ladybug recreate mesh component.

Oh I see. I change the analysis receipt to annual I get this error: “1. Solution exception:‘Brep’ object has no attribute ‘split’”. It was working for Grid Base Simulation.

image "

Do you know what might be issue?

Oh I see. I change the analysis receipt to annual I get this error: “1. Solution exception:‘Brep’ object has no attribute ‘split’”. It was working for Grid Base Simulation.

image "

Do you know what might be issue?

I am not able to zoom into the image you shared but it looks like instead of a honeybee object, a grasshopper brep is being supplied to the honeybee component.

Grasshopper Brep = Geometry
Honeybee Brep = geometry + information

Hi,@Mitrasdy You issue just need to replace grid-based simulation to annual daylight simulation. Here is the demo file.

spational daylighting autonomy analysis-fix.gh (850.0 KB)

Hi Devang thank you for your response. I use create honeybeesurface to create my honeybee objects and then using brep component I just connect and join all my honeybeesurfaces in one component and then feed it into the analysis component. Is that wrong?

Use Data component instead

Thank you so much. My own annual daylighting was not working, but I downloaded this and now it is giving me results. Do not know what happened there but thank you! :slight_smile:

Thank you so much I will try this.

@Mitrasdy Maybe you are not familar to the setting in Honeybee. You should take some time to study the example file from https://hydrashare.github.io/hydra/index.html

I am familiar with those settings and also this website. It has just been a while since I used them. But for this case, I was exactly using same components as yours. I guess the only difference I could see was that you put 4 for number of CPUs and I had not tried that. Thank you for your suggestion and help again.