I am trying to read annual daylight result from daylight analysis but some how I get this error and even by changing the number of cpu I do not see any difference.
Can some one help me figure this out?
Thank You,
I am trying to read annual daylight result from daylight analysis but some how I get this error and even by changing the number of cpu I do not see any difference.
Can some one help me figure this out?
Thank You,
Hi @Mitrasdy, welcome to the forum. Can you please share the file or some screenshots to help us understand what the problem might be.
Usually there is a missmatch of the points because one or more of the bat files didnt run or didnt complete properly. Are all the .ill files >0kb ?
Hi Byron,
Thank you so much. I tried to upload the files but it get the message that I am new user and I cannot upload anything. How can I upload something?
Yes I think so.
I have put them in this google drive. If you give me your Gmail address I can share it with you.
Hi Byron,
I gave you access to the google drive. Not sure if you had a chance to take a look at this. I would appreciate your help and time.
I loaded you model and it took a really long time @Mitrasdy. Looks like an import from other tools. You’ll need some simplification strategy to get something fruitful out of this model. If you are new to Honeybee tools then I would recommend you to check the learning resources first.
Thank you for your time. Yes that is my problem, too. I exported from Revit and thought I can work with that but apparently I cannot. I am now starting to model it clean and simple in rhino. But do you know why I got the error? Is that because the model was super heavy?
I am not new to honey bee but it has been a while since I worked with it. I know the process but it is usually the troubleshooting part which is not always easy to understand.
Hi Devang I simplified my model in Rhino, basically remodeled it and now it is much simpler but I still get the same error from readannualredult component. I get the result from analysis but the readannualresult l component will not work as you can see in the image. And this is the error I get: 1. Number of points in ill files: -3 doesn’t match the number of points in point files: 3878
I have placed my model and grasshopper script in the same google drive location, (replaced with previous one) would you please take a look and let me know what is the issue. I would appreciate it.
Thank you.