Honeybee and Rhino stops responding and crashes when I start simulation

I tried running a simple daylight analysis in honeybee. The script does not show any error or any issue. But when I try to turn the boolean toggle to true, it just freezes and stops responding.
I have tried both rhino 7 and 8, with ladybug tools 1.8.0. I have also tried turning the antivirus software off. But it is still not working.
I am working on a company pc, but when I run the same simulation in my personal pc with rhino 7 it runs smoothly.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You!

Hi @Lupamudra ,

Ah, this is helpful to know:

You had said on the other thread that it “crashes” but I would not call this a “crash.” A crash would involve Rhino closing and exiting. This is just a “freeze.”

This still sounds like it is related to some type of antivirus/security measure but it’s not the same thing as the SentinelOne issue that others have experienced. It seems like your IT department would needs to green-light the simulation engine executables (eg the Radiance exes) rather than green-light the Rhino executable.

How did you install Ladybug Tools? Did you use the free Pollination single-click installer? If not, use it. We did a lot of things to that installer to make IT departments happy and you have a better chance of getting everything to work with your IT’s rules if you use it instead of the Food4Rhino pathway.

Hi @chris ,
Thanks for the response.
So it freezes, with some HB components (cumulative sky matrix, benefit sky matrix,etc ) and I installed ladybug tools through pollination single click installer. The Food4Rhino pathway didnt work at all for me. Froze it the moment i pressed the instalation toggle just like it does now, so used the pollination installer. Does that information change anything?

If that’s the case, then IT has probably just blocked the Radiance executables from running on your machine. You should ask them to green-light all of the executables in this folder:

C:\Program Files\ladybug_tools\radiance

… and that should get all of the components you listed to function correctly.

Better yet, you might just ask them to make sure that everything in:

C:\Program Files\ladybug_tools

… is green-lit. With that, all of the software should function as expected.

Using Sentinel as well.

The solution above didn’t fully help me (I have both the legacy and Polination plugins).

But adding the following folders helped me:
C:\Program Files\ladybug_tools
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8
C:\Program Files\pollination

Now both plugins can work without problems.

Hope that helps.