Honeybee and Rhino stops responding and crashes when I start simulation

Hi @Lupamudra ,

Ah, this is helpful to know:

You had said on the other thread that it “crashes” but I would not call this a “crash.” A crash would involve Rhino closing and exiting. This is just a “freeze.”

This still sounds like it is related to some type of antivirus/security measure but it’s not the same thing as the SentinelOne issue that others have experienced. It seems like your IT department would needs to green-light the simulation engine executables (eg the Radiance exes) rather than green-light the Rhino executable.

How did you install Ladybug Tools? Did you use the free Pollination single-click installer? If not, use it. We did a lot of things to that installer to make IT departments happy and you have a better chance of getting everything to work with your IT’s rules if you use it instead of the Food4Rhino pathway.