Honeybee Annual Daylight Error

I’m working on an energy model and it is giving errors with honeybee annual daylight and only works with HB point in time Grid Based. I already did LB Versioner and LB Sync Grasshopper but couldn’t figured it out the issue. It also says ‘Recursion Error: Maximum Recursion depth exceeded while calling a Phyton object’ on the process.



Hi @oyongoren,

Can you share the log file? The log file is found in your project folder, e.g:


Hi @mikkel,

Here it is;

Thank you

Thanks! For some reason Radiance fails to load one of the files when calculating the direct sunlight.

Please share this file:

Thanks for reviewing, here is the sun file @mikkel suns.mod - Google Drive

The file should be okay. Before looking into this can you try to run the simulation without the hoys_ and timestep_ in the component “HB Wea From EPW”?

@mikkel I run it without the hoys_ and timestep_ and I also checked with different weather URL’s but unfourtunately it is still giving same errors

Hi @mikkel could it be because of the update? because it was working 2 weeks ago and I still have the same problem. Do you have any other suggestions for me to try?

Hi @oyongoren,

Did you use the Pollination installer?

Can you share the Grasshopper file with the geometry internalized or alternatively also attach the Rhino file?

Hi thanks @mikkel,
Yesi I used the Pollination installer and tried to uninstall and reinstall in the past few days.
I attached the Grasshopper file with internalized geometry. Sorry for the mess of the model tried to clean up a bit. Hope it is work for you,
Thanks in advance

I’ve found some blockings from anti-virus programme that I have in my computer for honeybee-radiance and I deleted the program plus disabled the windows defender and reinstall the pollination thinking it was the problem but unfortunately it is still not working. There could be any other reason connected to those ? @mikkel

Hi @oyongoren,

Sorry that this took a little bit longer than I wanted it to. I think I found the issue and a workaround that should work for you. There was a similar error here, which was solved with a fix I put into honeybee-radiance. Can you please try to update the core libraries with LB Versioner and let me know if you still have issues.

Hi @mikkel,

I’ve just tried it, and it is working perfectly now! I appreciate you taking the time for this. I guess it’s my fault for using special characters in the username, unfortunately. Thanks again!