Hi All,
I have been trying to simulate the impact of a custom facade geometry on the peak solar gain admitted through fixed glazing, but slightly puzzled by the results seen with and without this shading applied (and all other variables fixed).
I am generating a custom diamond shading facade geometry with triangular apertures within (image below). For a south facing shoebox model (10.5m wide x 6m deep), I’m getting a peak solar gain of over 70 W/m2 without shading (quite poor), and down to 6 W/m2 with shading (almost too good). After editing the depth of this shading the peak solar gain doesn’t respond and stays at 6 W/m2. This suggests that EnergyPlus is not recognising the shade device properly, but the Honeybee geometry preview shows the geometry correctly.
My GH file is attached. Please could someone help troubleshoot this?
606_03 PEAK SOLAR GAIN MODEL V2.gh (334.2 KB)