Honeybee-Energy Model not showing Gas Equipment Energy?

Hi, I wonder if anyone can see what I am doing wrong here?

A simple Honeybee-Energy model, with HeatCool HVAC System, Gas Unit Heaters:

For some reason the ‘gas_equip’ result does not show any values? Why might that be occurring? Shouldn’t this report the kWH of gas energy?

example file attached for reference.

gas_test.gh (55.4 KB)

Hi @edpmay ,
No experience with gas Equipment, but found this document that can be useful. Search Gas equipment and you’ll get some pointers.
Also check the provided examples in the E+ installation folder. Maybe you can find there something useful.

Thanks @AbrahamYezioro ,

I think I see now - I misunderstood that output - it appears to be for the “Gas Equipment” load, not the gas associated with heating/cooling/hot-water:


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