Honeybee flying error

Hi all,When I open honeybee, the following errors always appear. How can I solve these errors? Thank you very much!!!

  1. Failed to download the files needed to run EnergyPlus with OpenStudio 2.x.
    SystemError(u"\u672a\u80fd\u89e3\u6790\u6b64\u8fdc\u7a0b\u540d\u79f0: ‘github.com’",)
  2. Failed to download the files needed to PostProcess EnergyPlus results with OpenStudio 2.x.
    SystemError(u"\u672a\u80fd\u89e3\u6790\u6b64\u8fdc\u7a0b\u540d\u79f0: ‘github.com’",)

Hi @SIFU, Welcome to the forum! This has been asked several times. Search the forum.

Also if you haven’t already I recommend to read this document: https://discourse.ladybug.tools/faq