Honeybee - Honeybee-Energy 1.2.0 PMVMap (Predictive Mean Vote Comfort Map) Problem

Hi all,

The PMVMap component is meant to generate a few .csv files in the result folder for the temperature, condition, HSP, and CSP. It does not seem that these files are being generated. I believe this is because the component is attempting to store .csv information in the folder locations of the following format: “C:\Users\juliet.ume-ezeoke\simulation\sample_model_grid\Comfort\pmv_comfort_map\results/temperature” which is not valid for Windows OS. Therefore the .csv file does not appear in the correct folder, and cannot be found at all. Please advise.

The file I am using is a sample from the latest Honeybee release (v1.2.0), and can be found in “ladybug-tools-1-2-0/samples/honeybee-energy/comfort_mapping”.

Generally, I am trying to create a grid-based spatial temperature map within a given room, and then ideally an entire building. If there is a better way of going about this, please let me know (you will see a failed attempt inside the grasshopper file).

Hi @jnwagwuume-ezeoke ,

I suspect that you are just experiencing a generic error that results from something going wrong in the recipe execution process (causing no result files to be generated and you to get a WindowsError).

Do you want to upload a minimal sample that helps us recreate the issue? FYI, you should be able to see the full log by either checking the __logs__ folder in the simulation folder or by selection report_out_ for the recipe settings.

Thanks for the quick reply @chris! Here is the log, taken from selecting report_out_ in the recipe settings. (I am pasting in a link to a google file because I am a new user and cannot yet upload files/ have a limit on characters here → I would also send the file along otherwise).

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Thanks @jnwagwuume-ezeoke ,

Here is the “real” error from your log file:

It looks like your model is not simulating correctly in EnergyPlus/OpenStudio. Are you able to run your model with the “HB Model To OSM” component?

Thanks for pointing this out @chris ! Yes, I have been able to run the model using the “HB Model to OSM” component. Do you think this has something to do with the version of OpenStudio I downloaded? I have v3.1.0, per the compatibility matrix. However, I might have previous versions on my machine that could be interfering…

I don’t think you need to worry about interference (whatever version of OpenStudio that you see the “HB Check Versions” output is what the whole plugin uses). If you upload a minimal sample file that allows us to recreate the issue, we can hopefully get to the bottom of it.

Ok! I have uploaded one to my Google Drive here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l6E4LeIQ_wSE_-n1Tjm_5EGBEa2CsXNh/view?usp=sharing

Hi! Just wanted to follow up on this as I now have ability to upload GH files directly. I would really like to take advantage of the PMVMap component. If there any alternatives that could be used for spatial mapping, I would love to know about these also. comfort_mapping_err.gh (122.6 KB)

Hi did you solve it?
I also get the problem, that csv file is not generated yet.


I’m really sorry this fell through the cracks, @jnwagwuume-ezeoke .

I wasn’t able to recreate the error on my end but I think I know what happened. You have to make sure that your Model geometry makes sense in your Rhino model units. For the geometry in the file that you uploaded, it looks like the units are supposed to be Meters. Perhaps you accidentally had your Rhino model units set to millimeters or something like that.

Kia ora folks

I am having the same error as reported here, but this time with the Sample File provided to illustrate this process.

The sample file, unaltered, comes from here:

There are clearly no .csv files of the temperature in the expected folder.

I am wondering whether the issue is the directory designation for the “temperature” folder: \ instead of /
