Honeybee indoor comfort simulation

Thanks for testing that, @pedro1 .

This was enough for me to recreate the issue on my end and I have just pushed a fix:

This issue is that you have specified an “orphaned” Door in your model, which is not assigned to any Honeybee Face or Room. You can’t actually model heat flow across a Door like this and so the Honeybee libraries just assume that you want to account for it as shade in the energy simulation. The same thing happens with orphaned Apertures and Faces (Walls, Roofs and Floors), which are translated to shades that block (or partially transmit) the sun.

The case of wanting to model transparent exterior screens/glass as orphaned apertures is pretty common but it’s very rare to see someone wanting to model a door as a shading element. So that’s why we did not catch this bug up until now.

Can I ask if this was actually what you were intending to do or is this just a modeling error where you actually meant to assign the Door to a parent Face that belongs to a Room?