Honeybee & Ladybug extra folders

Hello Everyone,

I just installed the latest update of Ladybug and Honeybee (0.0.68 and 0.065)
Right now I have one component from Honeybee and two components from Ladybug standing in a separate folder of my ribbon toolbar. Does anyone knows why?
Will it be possible to have them inside the respectively HB-legacy and LB-legacy folder?


Hi,@tru Which version of Rhino are you using? If you are using rhino 5, you need install ghpython compotent.

Hi minggangyin

Thanks. I have both Rhino 5 and 6 installed in my pc with ghpython component.
In both version of Rhino the Ladybug and Honeybee ribbon is split up as showed above.
I really do not know why…

Hi,@tru Maybe you should restart the rhino.If this does not work, please restart your computer.

ghpython was already installed on my laptop and I have also restarted my pc yesterday after the installation of the newest version of Ladybug and Honeybee (0.0.68 and 0.065), but it looks still the same.
Minggangyin, other suggestions are welcome…

Hi - if I correctly understand what you are describing, this is expected behavior in the last update.
The Ladybug and Honeybee tabs are cleared to make room for the components for the upcoming [+] versions. The remaining ones in those tabs will be moved to the Legacy tabs at some point.
You can read more here about that issue:


Hi wim that´s exactly what I ment.
Thanks for the info.