Honeybee LouverShade

Hi! I’ve been trying to install a Louver system to my model. However, when I try to connect HB LouverShade with HB Shade element to HB Model the Daylight Autınomy results come as 0. I couldn’t solve the issu. Is there better conncetion than HB Shade.
I really need a help! Thank you in advance.

@pelinavci you can skip that shade component and go right from the HB Louver Shades, to the rooms input in the model component. It doesn’t need to be added to a shade geom component as it is already a fully fledged shade.
Try that and see if you get the desired affect.

Thank you so much for your quick respond :slight_smile: It solved the problem I faced.
I also wanted to make this Louvre system work with control systems and schedules. But I saw that the simulaiton did not add that schedules and they do not work with the louvers. Simulation time should take a long time, but it doesn’t Do you have another suggestion for that aim?