Honeybee Point-in-Time Grid-Based simulation error


Using point-in-time grid-based simulations, I am trying to do annual daylight simulations (8760 hours) of five test points at desk level. However, I get this error every time. Do you know why this happens?

'Runtime error (PythonException): The recipe failed to run with the following summary:

Scheduled 10 tasks of which:

  • 1 failed:
    • 1 RestructureResults(…)
  • 2 were left pending, among these:
    • 2 had failed dependencies:
      • 1 LetPointInTimeGridFly(…)
      • 1 _Main_ca165f46Orchestrator(…)

This progress looks :frowning: because there were failed tasks

Use the report_out attribute of recipe settings to see a full report.

line 93, in script’

I’m encountering the exact same error with this simulation, and I was wondering if anyone else has encountered this or found a fix yet!

Hi @ajustice97
I have not found a solution to this. In the end, I decided to use the HB-Annual Daylight component.

Hi @ajustice97 & @berrakbalci,
Since you are using PIT grid the _recipe_type should be set to 0 in the HB Radiance Parameter. 1 is for PIT view-based


Amazing answer, ladybug tools forum to the rescue once more!