Honeybee RAD parameters

Hi guys,

I’m doing some experiments with the Daylight Factor Simulation component to calculation time and results sensibility to radiance parameters. I’m feeding it with custom radParameters as seen below:

The comand prompt window (see attached image) seems to put -ad 1000 as default even if it seems to be set to 512 in grasshopper. In contrast to -ad, the modification of -ab to 3 has been taken into account.

Have you set minimum values for RADparameters? If yes, would it be possible to force them to custom values?

Thanks in advance for your help

Best regards,


Hi Aymeric, See this discussion. Honeybee has an internal check that adjusts the parameters. You can comment that line out.

Hi, Aymeric, I’m not able to help to check you issue currently. Since you’re testing Radiance parameters, the following advice provided in Axel Jacob’s tutorial might be helpful, and pardon me if you already know about it:


Thanks Ji, and here is one more: http://radsite.lbl.gov/radiance/refer/Notes/rpict_options.html

Thanks, Mostapha! This is great! - Ji

Thanks Ji and Mostapha, you answer perfectly to my concerns. But why have you put this line ( **hb_writeRADAUX.checkInputParametersForGridBasedAnalysis() ) **to double-check rad parameters?