I hope all is well. I encountered a problem in my Grasshopper that I cannot do the simulations. It worked before but this is a new error about Honeybee_OpenstudioStandardsFile. Attached please find the screenshot for the error. I appreciate if you could help me to solve this problem.
Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Please upload your file to get more info.
I would check if the inputs to the createHBZones are correct. Something is wrong wit hthem.
Honeybee error.gh (467.2 KB)
Thank you. Attached please find the grasshoper file.
The fie is working fine with me.
I assume you don’t have the required OS libraries in your machine.
Please check if you have the OpenStudioMasterTemplate_1516657627.idf (or similar) on either c:\ladybug or C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\Ladybug
Also see honeybee_honeybee component output report. There should be a message that clarifies importing data from which file has failed.
Thank you so much. It works right now. I did not have this file in my Ladybug folder.