Honeybee + stopped working after updating componenets


Honeybee + has been working fine for me up untill i updated the Honeybee + components.

Attached is the error message.

I re-installed the previous version and still many components do not work.

Please help.


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Hi JMS, I have the same problem, did you find a solution for that ?

Can you provide more details? What is the error message? Did the update component worked as expected?

Hi mostapha, thank you for your caring!, the message that appears in all components after update is solution exception:None is not module, class, method, function, traceback, frame or code object
and after update no component works in Honeybeeplus

Hi khaoula92, I removed honeybee+ completely… re downloded and ensured the new LICENSE file was on the C: drive. Then everything worked fine.

Can you open the component editor and re-run it so we can see the full error message?

As @JMS said usually removing the old installation before installing the new version and restarting Rhino after the installation should get everything working.

it is working now thank you so much !