Hovertext error+bug on setEPZoneSchedules?


The following reads when hovering over the heating input setEPZoneSchedule

A text string representing the heating setpoint shceudle that you want to use. This can be either a shcedule from the “Honeybee_Call from EP Schedule Library” component, a schedule from the “Honeybee_Annual Schedule” component, or a CSV schedule from the “Honeybee_Create CSV Schedule” component. If this is a custon schedule, the values in it should be Watts and the “units_” or “schedTypeLimits” input should be “Temperature.”

When I created schedules last time I remember that I input a list of temperature values right? Not watts.

lightingScheduless_: A text string representing the lighting shceudle that you want to use. This can be either a shcedule from the “Honeybee_Call from EP Schedule Library” component, a schedule from the “Honeybee_Annual Schedule” component, or a CSV schedule from the “Honeybee_Create CSV Schedule” component.

I suspect that the extra “s” in lightingschedules is the reason I dont get any floating text here at all.

Thanks for all the good work!


Thank you for finding the typo. I have just fixed it here:



Thanks. Time for me to start fixing monkeywork like this in github myself, because it is silly having you do it. working up the courage to write code

Hi Ludvig, That’s how all of us get started. If you find another similar bug just go ahead and fix it and send a pull request on github!