How come my grids/ mesh are multiplied?

When I only select one surface for analysis grid everything is fine, but when i select 2 surfaces it multiplies by 2, so there seems to be 4 grids insted of 2. Any logical explenation to this?

Two surfaces:

Hi @Falk,

Looks like the issue is due to your data trees input into SensorGrid.

First guess is that you need to graft your base_geo_ input, failing that interrogate your other inputs to check they all align.


Hi @charlie.brooker

I do not think thats the problem, I have tried eveyr possible combination of grafting and flattening I can think of.
I either end up with 4 grids, 2 of each or just one.

Hi @Falk,

Grafting base_geo_ seems to work for me, is this what you’re looking for?


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Yes works for me to, thank you very much. :slight_smile:

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