How ladybug component visualize its results on Rhino's GUI

For some reason, I must visualize component’s results on Rhino’s GUI only with python script.
For example, I read the source code of “LB Direct Sun Hours” Components, and find that the component calculated the results and converted the results to a “GraphicContainer” Class in the last lines.

    # compute the results
    int_mtx = objectify_output('Sun Intersection Matrix', int_matrix)
    if _timestep_ and _timestep_ != 1:  # divide by the timestep before output
        results = [sum(int_list) / _timestep_ for int_list in int_matrix]
    else:  # no division required
        results = [sum(int_list) for int_list in int_matrix]

    # create the mesh and legend outputs
    graphic = GraphicContainer(results, study_mesh.min, study_mesh.max, legend_par_)
    graphic.legend_parameters.title = 'hours'
    if legend_par_ is None or legend_par_.are_colors_default:
        graphic.legend_parameters.colors = Colorset.ecotect()
    title = text_objects('Direct Sun Hours', graphic.lower_title_location,
                         graphic.legend_parameters.text_height * 1.5,

    # create all of the visual outputs
    study_mesh.colors = graphic.value_colors
    mesh = from_mesh3d(study_mesh)
    legend = legend_objects(graphic.legend)

The component can visualize the results like this

But the souce code didn’t tell me how to realize it.
I guess it used some function to process graphic or study_mesh.

This is my unsuccessful try. I can get the results and visualize the boxes and mesh. But I can not render the heatmap.

import Rhino.Geometry as rg
import scriptcontext as sc

geometry_origin = rg.Point3d(0, 0, 800)
geometry_plane = rg.Plane(geometry_origin, rg.Vector3d(1, 0, 0), rg.Vector3d(0, 1, 0))
geometry = [rg.Mesh.CreateFromPlane(geometry_plane, rg.Interval(-75000, 75000), rg.Interval(0, 160000), 150, 160)]

origins = [(-40000, 15000, 0), (-8000, 23600, 0), (24000, 32200, 0), (56000, 40800, 0), (-56500, 60500, 0), 
           (-49500, 108000, 0), (-16500, 108000, 0), (16500, 108000, 0), (49500, 108000, 0)]
context_origins = [rg.Point3d(x, y, z) for (x, y, z) in origins]
boxs = []
for i in range(9):
    if i < 5:
        plane = rg.Plane(context_origins[i], rg.Vector3d(0.965925861483, 0.258818913758, 0), rg.Vector3d(-0.258818913758, 0.965925861483, 0))
        boxs.append(rg.Box(plane, rg.Interval(-16500, 16500), rg.Interval(-10500, 10500), rg.Interval(0, 45000)))
        plane = rg.Plane(context_origins[i], rg.Vector3d(1, 0, 0), rg.Vector3d(0, 1, 0))
        boxs.append(rg.Box(plane, rg.Interval(-16500, 16500), rg.Interval(-10500, 10500), rg.Interval(0, 45000)))
context = [rg.Mesh.CreateFromBox(box, 1, 1, 1) for box in boxs]
for box in boxs:

_weather_URLs = {"Shanghai": ""}

def get_location(_city, _folder_=None):
    import os
    from ladybug.futil import unzip_file
    from ladybug.config import folders
    from import download_file
    import ladybug.epw as epw
    _weather_URL = _weather_URLs[_city]
    _weather_URL = _weather_URL.strip()
    _folder_name = _weather_URL.split('/')[-1][:-4]
    if _folder_ is None:
        _folder_ = folders.default_epw_folder
    _epw_file = os.path.join(_folder_, _folder_name, _folder_name + '.epw')
    if not os.path.isfile(_epw_file):
        zip_file_path = os.path.join(_folder_, _folder_name, _folder_name + '.zip')
        download_file(_weather_URL, zip_file_path, True)
    ep = epw.EPW(_epw_file)
    location = ep.location
    return location

def get_hoy(_start_month_, _start_day_, _start_hour_,
            _end_month_, _end_day_, _end_hour_, _timestep_=1):
    import ladybug.analysisperiod as ap
    from ladybug_rhino.grasshopper import wrap_output

    anp = ap.AnalysisPeriod(
        _start_month_, _start_day_, _start_hour_,
        _end_month_, _end_day_, _end_hour_, _timestep_)

    if anp:
        period = anp
        dates = wrap_output(anp.datetimes)
        hoys = anp.hoys
    return hoys, dates

def calc_sunpath(_location, hoys_, north_=0, dl_saving_=None, solar_time_=False):
    from ladybug_rhino.fromgeometry import from_polyline3d
    from ladybug.sunpath import Sunpath
    from ladybug_rhino.fromgeometry import from_vector3d
    sp = Sunpath.from_location(_location, north_, dl_saving_)
    altitudes, azimuths, datetimes, vectors = [], [], [], []
    for hoy in hoys_:
        sun = sp.calculate_sun_from_hoy(hoy, solar_time_)
        if sun.is_during_day:
    return altitudes, azimuths, datetimes, vectors

def calc_directsunhours(_vectors, _geometry, context_, _timestep_, 
                        _grid_size=None,_offset_dist_=0.1, legend_par_=None):
    import scriptcontext as sc
    from ladybug.color import Colorset
    from ladybug.graphic import GraphicContainer
    from ladybug_rhino.config import conversion_to_meters
    from ladybug_rhino.togeometry import to_joined_gridded_mesh3d, to_vector3d
    from ladybug_rhino.fromgeometry import from_mesh3d, from_point3d, from_vector3d
    from ladybug_rhino.fromobjects import legend_objects
    from ladybug_rhino.text import text_objects
    from ladybug_rhino.intersect import join_geometry_to_mesh, intersect_mesh_rays
    from ladybug_rhino.grasshopper import all_required_inputs, hide_output, \

    _offset_dist_ = _offset_dist_ / conversion_to_meters()

    # create the gridded mesh from the geometry
    study_mesh = to_joined_gridded_mesh3d(_geometry, _grid_size)
    points = [from_point3d(pt.move(vec * _offset_dist_)) for pt, vec in
              zip(study_mesh.face_centroids, study_mesh.face_normals)]

    # mesh the geometry and context
    shade_mesh = join_geometry_to_mesh(_geometry + context_)

    # get the study points and reverse the sun vectors (for backward ray-tracting)
    rev_vec = [from_vector3d(to_vector3d(vec).reverse()) for vec in _vectors]
    normals = [from_vector3d(vec) for vec in study_mesh.face_normals]

    # intersect the rays with the mesh
    int_matrix, angles = intersect_mesh_rays(
        shade_mesh, points, rev_vec, normals)

    # compute the results
    int_mtx = objectify_output('Sun Intersection Matrix', int_matrix)
    if _timestep_ and _timestep_ != 1:  # divide by the timestep before output
        results = [sum(int_list) / _timestep_ for int_list in int_matrix]
    else:  # no division required
        results = [sum(int_list) for int_list in int_matrix]

    # create the mesh and legend outputs
    graphic = GraphicContainer(results, study_mesh.min, study_mesh.max, legend_par_)
    graphic.legend_parameters.title = 'hours'
    if legend_par_ is None or legend_par_.are_colors_default:
        graphic.legend_parameters.colors = Colorset.ecotect()
    title = text_objects('Direct Sun Hours', graphic.lower_title_location,
                         graphic.legend_parameters.text_height * 1.5,

    # create all of the visual outputs
    study_mesh.colors = graphic.value_colors
    mesh = from_mesh3d(study_mesh)
    mesh_id = sc.doc.Objects.AddMesh(mesh)
    legend = legend_objects(graphic.legend)
    return results, points

location = get_location("Shanghai")
hoys, dates = get_hoy(1, 20, 8, 1, 20, 16, _timestep_=60)
altitudes, azimuths, datetimes, vectors = calc_sunpath(location, hoys)
results, points = calc_directsunhours(vectors, geometry, context, 60, _grid_size=None,_offset_dist_=0.1, legend_par_=None)
print(points[0], points[1])

Hi @jiangc-l,

Add mesh to the return in your last method

return results, points, mesh

Then add mesh alongside your results and points

results, points, mesh = calc_directsunhours(vectors, geometry, context, 60, _grid_size=None,_offset_dist_=0.1, legend_par_=None)

And mesh as an output to your GH component

And the preview should give you what you’re looking for :slight_smile:

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Thanks for your reply.
But I don’t want to build a grasshopper component with the script, I want to run the script in Rhino Python Editor for some reasons.
I add a ChangeDisplaymode Function, and which can obtain the same preview of yours.

I also desire to show the attributes of the “graphic”(legend, colormap, compass, etc)
I want to know how to address in only in Rhino Python Editor.