How to apply more outdoor Finishing Materials

Is there a possibility to incorporate additional finishing materials for outdoor surfaces beyond the (ground floor) component?

Hi @Tarekkamel_1988,

The answer is in the component. If you hover over the input “soil_constr” it gives you the answer.
You can create your own construction and input it here.
Note that this component is used to mimic outdoor surfaces, for outdoor comfort simulations.
If you want to change the outdoor surfaces beyond groundfloor of your building you will need the “HB ground construction subset”


@Erikbeeren Thank you very much for your response. The approach you chose is most likely effective. I have one more question: how can I increase the surface albedo value of outdoor finishing materials, particularly asphalt and cool pavement?

Hi @Tarekkamel_1988
you can input the absortion values here:

@Erikbeeren Thanks a lot for your reply back …