I want to use a brep join component to join 2 breps into one closed brep as wall surface for thermal analysis. However, the output of the component is an open brep.
So, how to convert open brep to closed brep?
There are two breps in the GH file attached: one is a wall surface with an opening for window, and the other one is the window surface. This is for daylight simulation in which you can’t have overlapping wall (without window opening) and window surface.
But for thermal analysis, the wall must be a complete surface without opening for window, and the window is a child of this complete wall surface. That’s why I want to merge the wall with opening and window into one surface to define a complete wall surface for thermal simulation …
… I have the feeling that I talked too much … anyway, you get what I mean …
open brep.gh (4.7 KB)