How to convert occupancy schedule to period (not data)

Hi all,

I’m currently working on setting up the PMV analysis to only run during occupied hours. I’ve tried using the LB apply analysis period, but it’s not doing what I need. HB Visualize Thermal map seems to only work if I apply a period, but then I can’t exclude weekends and holidays. Can anyone help me figure out how to convert the people occupancy schedule into a period instead of just data?

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Thank you.

Hi @tru,

From what I can see in your screenshot, the period for the schedule is annual. Why do you need to connect the data directly to the period? You can use the LB Analysis Period component to create an annual period.

You should also be able to extract the period like this from the data.

Hi @mostapha,

I appreciate your insights. My intention was to conduct the analysis solely during occupied hours (excluding the weekends), as per my occupancy schedule. As you mentioned, it’s an annual schedule that accounts for working hours only.
I’ve connected this schedule into the HB PMV Comfort Map to analyze solely the occupied hours.(run_period input)

I’m curious if there’s a method to analyze specific periods when using the LB PMV Comfort component?

I see! I don’t know the answer to that question. @chris is the right person to help you with that. If I remember correctly an analysis period is not as flexible as a schedule but the recipe might have some internal logic that allows for setting up the schedule as you need.