How to freeze the name of Honeybee's surface?

Hello everyone,
I have a little question about the name of a surface (or Aperture, Room…) in Honeybee.
It’s possible to take freeze the name of a surface if I change in input the number of geometry? So I will not have the problems like in the pictures.

Thank you


You should use the “Face” component to name it.
Consequently, you will need to construct the zone using faces.



Thank you for your response,

I do it, but if I change the order or the number of a surface in the Brep the name change. Like in the picture the surface nearest the screen is called “Surface_6” in the top while in the down is called “Surface_5”. My question is if there is a workflow to freeze the the name, I hope everything is clear.

Thank you

In the name input you can plug a list of names. That’s the best way to ensure a specific name for a specific surface. It is no so convenient if you have many surfaces, but for your case, i believe it is bearable.


ok, I try do like this.
Thank you Abraham
