I want to find some proper rad and EP materials for my test. I know there are some tools that can download these materials from Library. But they need keywords which I don’t know where to find them. How can I get to know the information about these materials or Library to make selection?
I have open the website. But I also have wonder about how to call these materials. What should be regard as keywords? I have tried to write a material name to test, but it still have problem. Do you have some example for this? Thank you.
Hi, Now I got how to use and create materials. And I want to make a rendering to know what will the new material look like. But I failed to see the picture. I don’t know why the process break up. Could you help me? I upload this file.
I will answer to your question as two different questions and for each question I will discuss it separately for Radiance and Honeybee.
Q1. Where can you find/add materials/construction to Honeybee?
Q2. How can you check the details of the materials/constructions in Honeybee?
A1.1. Radiance:
Honeybee loads default materials for Radiance internally. If you are interested you can overwrite default materials using Honeybee_RADDefaultMaterials component.
To add more materials to the library you can use several components to create the material and then use addToRADLibrary component to add them to library. Check example 002 > (https://app.box.com/s/znns0dtewd1tclicx74q)
Finally if you want to add some radiance material that you already have from another resource you can copy them to C:\ladybug\HoneybeeRadMaterials.mat and they will be loaded when you let the Honeybee fly.
A1.2. EnergyPlus
The process for EnergyPlus is slightly different. EnergyPlus loads default materials/construction and schedules from OpenStudioMasterTemplate.idf
Again you can create your own materials and constructions using Honeybee components that you can find under 06|Material…
If you want to add your own material/construction/schedule you can add them to userCustomEPLibrary.idf and they will be loaded every time that you let Honeybee fly.
A2.1. Radiance
For Radiance you can use Honeybee_Call from Radiance Library to see the list of available materials and then use Radiance Info component to get the full string of information. Again check the example file.
A2.2. EnergyPlus
The process for EnergyPlus is also similar to Radiance. The only difference is that there is a deconstruct component for each different type (material vs construction vs schedule). Here is an example:
I’m sorry to reply to you a little later. Your answer is very helpful for me. I have tried as you said, but the result is different. Why the panel show nothing?
I think it has to do something with version of the library that you are using. Materials and constructions with 000 are not there anymore. If you update all of your components, Honeybee will try to update the libraries.
I update my library and everything is OK. If I want to add customized materials, constructions and schedules, I can also write them into the OpenStudioMasterTemplate.idf. Is it right? And when I call these schedules, can I connect the name of them directly to the schedule module?
Hi Dan, Yes and yes. I still suggest you to add your material to userCustomEPLibrary.idf and not OpenStudioMasterTemplate.idf, as Honeybee overwrites OpenStudioMasterTemplate.idf once there is an updated version.
I’d be interested in how exactly once I created an e±material it can be saved into userCustomEPLibrary.idf. I’d is helpful. Because everytime I open my gh-E±file custom materials get found by EP-call from library, but in the moment I connect the HBSRF component with the item selector it sais that it’s unable to find the material.
Hi Daniel, You need to copy/paste them inside the file. Right now Honeybee doesn’t have an automated method to save the material/construction to the file.