Hi everyone…
I need to get the glare index in a space for a specific point… I tried to get task Position UV and Angle, but I failed…
please, tell me how to get a specific point… And what is the utility of task Position Angle if I get the UV point?
attached below the picture… Thanks
The values should be between 0-1 for uv values. I usually use an MD slider.
taskPositionUV.gh (18.3 KB)
Sorry, but can you tell me what is the meaning of the Angle? and why it is just U and V ? I mean any position should be x, y and z!
The task position for the view? However I already have a view (human eye)!
I am sorry … I am little confused … could you please explain to me the position for what?
Thank you very much
April 7, 2022, 8:21pm
Sorry for the late follow up. Because I have the same confusion and I tried to change the values for UV and Angle, but nothing happened for running the DGP components.
Anyone could help with this?
April 14, 2022, 8:20pm
It should work without issues using the HB Glare Postprocess component in LBT 1.4.