I have a PTHP and ERV as a zone equipment for a single thermal zone, but when I try to model by connecting the PTHP on the equipment in the Thermal zone and ERV as supply side on the AirLoop system, I am not getting the cooling value even for the cooling season. Plus I have also modeled both PTHP and ERV as zone equipment by grouping them together with NoAirLoop system still I am not getting the cooling energy consumption?
I am new to this filed and I want to understand how to model if you have PTHP and ERV ( AirToAir:HeatExchanger) as zone equipment for the single thermal zone, so could you guide as your guidance would be great help?
I have attached the .gh file for both the system that I explained above.
I just run the simulation and observe the end use category energy consumption where I obtained heating, interior lighting, equipment and fans energy but there is no cooling energy even for the cooling season.
But if I used the system 16 template without changing anything then I get the cooling values also but with my system I am not getting that value
Hi @Ashok, have you checked each end use category energy consumption from the html report? That’s the raw report generated by EnergyPlus, you probably can get more detailed results there.
Hi @MingboPeng I did check but I did not find any cooling energy demand even for the cooling season, I only find the heating energy demand so could you please see my grasshopper file that I have attached here and provide the guidance as your guidance can help me progress in this matter.
Until here, it’s pretty clear that your custom schedule prevents the cooling coil running.
A better way to test if your schedule is set correctly or not is open the osm file in OpenStudio Application so that you get a visual representation.
Here is my fix of your custom schedule, and a screenshot of it in OpenStudio App, which represents that the equipment will only be turned on from 6/1 to 9/30. I rerun the simulation and get the cooling back with your system.
Hi @MingboPeng
Thank you so much for your guidance! I will adjust the schedule as you suggested and rerun the simulation. Your prompt response is incredibly valuable to me.
Hi @MingboPeng
I am sorry to bother you again but I want to know whether my process of simulation is correct or not because when I assign the program type with different schedule and setpoint again I am not getting the cooling load during the summer months in my model so could you provide some insights on this?
Hi @MingboPeng and @chris
Sorry to bother you again. This type I have made a complete model of a 1 bed apartment considering the whole apartment as a single thermal zone by assigning all the necessary program type and construction equipment. I used the packaged thermal heat pump and ERV as the zone equipment with NoAir Loop.
Till there I thing my model is good but while simulating the model I am getting too high value for the heating season while very less for the cooling season as when I compared this data with the real time data so could you help me to confirm whether my model or the way I am preparing the model is correct or not as I have been doing this for like a month and I am not getting any progress.
I have also attached the .gh file by internalizing the data. 3rdFeb.gh (381.2 KB)
I hope your guidance will motivate me to move forward in this path.
Thank you