I am running an annual daylight simulation with Honeybee. The .ill files that I am getting as an output, only contain 4401 illuminance values per measurement point (the default 8-5 schedule). However, I want to get all 8760 values (as many as in the EPW) for post-processing purposes. I tried several options to change the schedule, but nothing works (I tried putting a csv file with 8760 rows representing a “1”, a HB schedule in which I put 24 rows with 1 for all days of the week). Can someone maybe help me with this?
The annual daylight simulation will return results for every hour that the sun is up, the occupancy schedule is only used for post processing those results to give DA, UDI, etc.
So in your case the 4401 values are for when the sun is up, the remaining hours are for when the sun is down and can be assumed as = 0.
Thanks for your quick response!
Is there any way in which I can also get the results for when the sun is down automatically, so that I can exactly match the ill file to the EPW file that I am using (which has 8760 hours)? Right now I have no clue which .ill value corresponds to which hour/day/month in the EPW file.
In the results file where the analysis is saved (under the results output from annual daylight) there’s a sunp-up-hours.txt file that includes all the times the analysis has been carried out for.
Alternatively an easier solution is to use this component which will fill in the blank data for you:
The only downside of this is that you’re then handling a very large amount of data in grasshopper and things will slow down.
If you fancy diving into the world of Python you can do this data processing much more easily, but it’s a pretty significant learning curve to move out of Grasshopper. Generally I’d recommend using the LBT components here to do as much of your data processing as possible, rather than deconstructing it and trying to apply the native maths operations in vanilla Grasshopper.
I have been facing the issue with creating custom occupancy schedule for UDI analysis which was easily possible with earlier plugins. And now if we set custom analysis period that output doesn’t work with occupancy schedule input. Is there a way i can create custom occupancy schedule by using components or by seeting analyis period as i am not used to python scripting or working with backend files. I actually want to create a schedule of 6am to 6pm for each day. @mostapha@chris