How to read OpenStudio's variables in a graph?

Hello, I’m looking to read OpenStudio’s variables on a graph directly on Grasshopper. Normally, I would read them on eplusout.eso app.

I saw this post of somebody that did it, but I don’t see how he did it.

I want to vizualize this variables:
Water Use Connections Cold Water Temperature
Water Use Connections Drain Water Temperature
Water Use Connections Hot Water Temperature
Water Use Connections Waste Water Temperature
Water Use Equipment Cold Water Temperature
Water Use Equipment Drain Water Temperature
Water Use Equipment Hot Water Temperature

How can I do this? I’m a bit lost on how to do this.


Hi @AESB99!

The component used is called Quick Graph

As for getting those custom outputs, you Should be able to use the custom outputs tools, here is the general workflow:

Hopefully some of that is helpful!

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Hey @TrevorFedyna. Just did this! It’s working! The only issue I have is to make the results pop int the Quick Graph component.

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@AESB99 In this case you need to deconstruct the data set and feed Quick Graph the raw numerical data. deconstruct data is in ladybug tab.

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Hey, @TrevorFedyna It’s working, but does this mean all my variables are in one graph? Is there a way to separate them and have the same amount of graphs as of variables?

Hi @AESB99, if you duplicate the following, and change the index that’s one way to get a graph per dataset
don’t forget deconstruct data.

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Hey @TrevorFedyna, I did it. It’s working better, but I steal have a bunch of variables in one graph. Do I have to resplit the list ? (464.8 KB)
HB_IsoHemp_Victo_tfEdit_CombleSrfc.3dm (180.5 KB)

Hi @AESB99, I’m not sure I thought the last step was going to do the trick, I can take a look at the files tomorrow!

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Yess! I appreciate it @TrevorFedyna !

Hey @AESB99 can you share this file so I can get your file working all the way?
It can be privately if you’d prefer.

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@TrevorFedyna yesss! Here you go

IsoHemp_Victo_OSM_to_HB.osm (555.3 KB)

@AESB99 I believe you are right about needing to resplit the list to get single line graphs.

added explode tree to separate the zones results, also added a number slider incase youd rather switch between them at will and save canvas space.

There is probably a more elegant solution, but this is what ive landed on.
Hopefully some of that is helpful

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Awesome! Thank you @TrevorFedyna! And do you have the files? I’d love to study it further. :))

Edit: Nevermind, i think I got it! Thankss

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Oh and I had another question related to this topic @TrevorFedyna . Is it possible to have an equivalent of ESOview in GH? But I mean detail wise, like if it’s possible to navigate through the graph and obtain peak values? Cause the way we just did it, we can only see the minimum and maximum, in this case the water temperature.