How to select the environment light direction from the climate based sky

The micro-mirror window I am trying to develop aims to reflect external light into the indoor working area through an array of micro-mirrors rotated at specific angles within the glass interlayer, ultimately achieving more uniform indoor illuminance. As the starting point for the micro-mirror control, I use the SunPath component to output the vector of the sun’s light direction at the corresponding time as the input for the micro-mirror control. However, after a series of simulations, I found that the ambient light direction in the environment of the model does not completely align with the sun’s light direction at that moment. This discrepancy prevents my simulation from achieving the desired effect in some cases.

In my Grasshopper simulation, I use the Climate-Based Sky model. I believe the issue lies in the fact that while I use the Climate-Based Sky model, the sun’s light direction input for the micro-mirror control is derived from the SunPath output. These two components are not directly related, which leads to a problem when I finally use the PIT grid to calculate illuminance data. The Climate-Based Sky model includes both direct and diffuse light, but the micro-mirrors only consider the direct light output from SunPath. However, the Climate-Based Sky model only has a single “sky” output. Can this “sky” output be used to extract a light direction vector similar to the one provided by SunPath?