Dear community,
I am looking for references/ressources on a specific topic. Maybe some of you will kindly point me to relevant informations/articles/githubs or share their thoughts on my case ??
I am working on a simplified tool/workflow for designing relevant energy retrofit scenarios for houses, here in France. I am thinking on leveraging LDBT to do this and bring more fine-graine insights than what is done at the moment on this market segment (very basic I must say, based on simplistic regulations).
It must stay super simple in term of modeling time & complexity to achieve a reasonable billing price (around 1000€ / 1 day per study). Because of the market segment (individuals).
Thus, I am planning to rely on a kind of parametric definition of a house (several templates, one for each topology).
Still, I would like to unify the 3D Building Modeling (wich account for element thickness) and the Building Energy Modeling (where thickness is not represented).
A certain level of 3D modeling is requiered to provide minimal yet impactfull vizualization capabilities for the clients. IFC standard might be a good fit here with several libraries to rely on for model rendering.
A “binded” geometrical model suitable for BEM. Relying on HBJON might be a good fit here too.
How would you approch this two requirements ?
Can you point me to valuable ressources that review in depth the conceptual & technical difficulties of any BIM <> BEM process regarding the question of “element thickness” ?
Any thoughts on this project would be really appreciate !