I have some questions regarding these two components. If I am not mistaken picking a default HVAC system - say, “VAV w/ Reheat” should define some default values that can be later changed with HVAC heating, cooling and air details components (please correct me if i am wrong). If I pick a HVAC system and then change everything in heating/cooling/air details how does it affect anything? In other words - what are the specifications of these systems and how do they affect calculation? Is there a way to check what ‘properties’ a specific HVAC (ex. VAV w/ reheat) has? (like for example we are able to check what are the preset values of equipment load using a specific zone program).
Thank you for your time and help.
@Wujo ,
Your understanding is correct.
To check the properties assigned on the default HVAC systems, open an .osm with the HVAC system assigned in the OpenStudio graphical interface. Go to the HVAC tab and, there, you can scroll through the different loops (hot water, chilled water, and air loop). Clicking on any of the HVAC equipment icons in the loops will show you their default properties. This video from the OpenStudio team might be helpful:
For understanding how the different inputs affect the simulation, I recommend reading the component descriptions of the inputs to the air details, cooling details, heating details. You can also just change these inputs and see how they affect the energy simulation results.
Also zone equipment load does not have anything to do with the HVAC. That’s a zone property that you can check using the Honeybee_Label Zones component.
I just gave the “equipment load” example to visualize what i meant - I was wondering if you can “deconstruct” a certain, default HVAC System and see its properties just like you can see values of a ‘preset program’ (like apartaments: office for example) assigned to a zone and change them if needed. Now i understand i need to check it in OpenStudio.
Thank you VERY MUCH for your time and help.
I see what you mean now, @Wujo . Because fully detailed HVAC systems can be centralized (ie. You have one system assigned to multiple zones), it’s typically not ideal to visualize them on the zone level like the electrical equipment load you cite. Perhaps we may make some way to visualize the HVAC systems in Rhino in the future but, for the time being, the OpenStudio GUI is your best friend!