I can´t install de Pluging

I have this message and I don´t know what to do. I work with Rhino 7. Does any one know what´s happening? I have the internet conected.

"Ladybug Tools installation folder already exists at:

Runtime error (PythonException): Download failed with the error:
No es posible conectar con el servidor remoto

line 66, in download_file_by_name, “”
line 126, in script"

que fue amigo, lo solucionaste? tengo el mismo problema

This issue happens because the internet connection drops or perhaps there is a firewall. You can try rerunning it with a better internet connection but the best way around this is to use the Pollination single-click installer, which gives you a complete copy of Ladybug Tools and compatible simulation engines. You just have to create a pollination account to get it: