Hello , i am fairly new to rhino/grasshopper/lb/honeybee, i am trying to conduct an annual daylight analysis on my model where i am finding how does different WWR of the apertures will affect the daylight received. so the model is actually 9 boxes and solveAdj to combine the room together to identify the interior and exterior wall. initially i had 9 boxes so the center will be an empty room with no windows. however i ended up removing the center area making it 8 boxes. now they will start appearing aperature at the inside . is there is way to exclude that area or to set that face to be interior instead?
it seems that i am a new user an i am unable to upload my script.
the walls where i wish to make it interior so the apertures will not form
currently the center area will be counted into the simulation is there a way to exclude it?
sorry i had to split it into 3 replies due to 1 images limit
Hi @zxlow,
I think there are a couple ways you might go about that, but probably the easiest way is to just use native Grasshopper tools to ‘split’ the rooms into groups, and only create windows on one group. One method of doing that might look like this:
example .gh attached
example.gh (28.0 KB)
best of luck with it,
Hi @edpmay
thank you for the help i think this will work and give me what i want. i should be able to further dispatch the group into more group by putting another dispatch right? i just need to put all my room group back together at the end
i should be able to further dispatch the group into more group by putting another dispatch right?
Yes, that is correct. You can split up and operate on the rooms in any way that you like, as long as you put them all back together before you send them to the ‘Model’ at the end.