Idf import and setEPZoneThresholds issues


I’m unsure about oppening a new discussion or add to an existing one (Revit import). Decided to add a new one, though they are related for my workflow.

i have an IDF file created with my own software. Trying to import using the IDF fails to import all definitions and as a result the simulation fails in HB. The specific items that are not imported relate to Shading Control on windows (Blinds or shades). Attached my original file (SingleOfficeTest). I used Mostapha’s recent example ( for the test. Deleting from the idf the shading control definitions let the simulation to work.

The second issue relates to the setEPZoneThresholds component. When you hook Cooling/Heating setpoint temperatures it fails to work complaining about 1. Solution exception:List

As usual: I’m missing something or there is a problem?



SingleOffice4Test.idf (126 KB)

Hi Abraham, Of course you will find a bug in less than 24 hours! :wink: Thanks-

You are right! It doesn’t import shading controls. I will add it using your example file (

That was my bad. I missed that addition to “List”! Commented right now and should work fine.


Mostapha (170 KB)

Made me laugh :slight_smile:

Thanks (and/or sorry),



Abraham, I checked shading and blinds objects and we are partially supporting them right now but it will be quite bit of work to apply them in a clean way that can be used later on, as part of Honeybee. I’m thinking to work on some other features including 3-5 phase methods before getting to this, unless you tell me that this is really critical in your workflow. Let me know your thoughts.


Hi Mostapha,

Of course i can wait … one more day :slight_smile:

As you are more excited dealing with the new features go ahead. In the meantime i’ll just delete the faulty HB/IDF definitions to be enable to use my idfs with HB.



Thanks, and I will get this one in soon. Also I assume you don’t do this manually, otherwise it is easy to change the code not to collect unsupported objects such as shading objects.

Hi Mostapha,

Unfortunately i do this manually. But i’ll just ask the window not to be shaded.



Your time is more valuable to do that manually. I modified the component and the new version does it for you. Attached!

  • Mostapha (157 KB)

Thanks Mostapha,

I don’t want you to fix this anymore … until you get your other tasks done.

The fix here don’t work well. It doesn’t collect some other information from the IDF that is needed for the simulation. As a result it fails (see attached).

I can create my idf without shades so it works fine. I need to clean manually just for existing files, so this is not so bad.


SingleOffice4Test_withShadingControl.idf (126 KB)

Kill me but the above example now works. Before E+ simulation crashed complaining about missing material definitions.

So forget about this.

But i’ve found another couple of things. It is with the readEPResult component. The normByFloorArea_ input. When it is False the results shown with the HB_ColorZones component are already in m2. Setting it to true gives also results by m2. The difference is that in the first case the legend says “kWh/mters2” and in the second 'kWh/m2".

Also when you hook the Legend output of the HB_ColorZones to a preview component it shows only the colored scale but not the text.


So sorry again.

Forget about this too.

What’s happening is that when the HB_decomposeByType component preview is on (or the CustomPreview) then the legend text of the HB_ColorZones “dissapears”, but … when you rotate the view, looking from below, then you can see the text.

Weird, ah?


I was about to get depressed! :wink:

The issue about the units looks like a bug. Should we add it to Github so Chris will know about it?

Oh nooooo.

Don’t be.

I’ll add the issue.

Hi Abrahamand and Mostapha,

I also get the solution exception when importing an idf file(see attached pic.).Is this bug fixed yet?

Thank you!

Hi Nita.

It’s hard to say from your screen capture. Can you upload the file?


Hi Mostapha,

thanks for the fast reply.Please find attached my .idf file.



O1.idf (105 KB)

Hi Nita,

Good that you uploaded the file.

I took a look and noticed the error. HB is complaining about a specific wall (windowWall6). I opened the file in openstudio and see that there were also errors there (windows not being coplanar to walls, surface normals pointing inwards, triangulation of surfaces) that made me thing how this file was created (see picture from OS). OS fixed the planarity and i flipped the normals. Then saved the file and reinserted in GH. Now it works, as you can see.

I don’t think it is a good example to work with, but of course you can go ahead.

Hope it helps,


O1_A.idf (120 KB) (77.9 KB)

Hi Abraham,

Thanks for the reply! :smiley: The model was created in Rhino and exported somehow to E+.

Thanks a lot for editing the file.I was not aware of those issues.Will try it in GH right away.

Be good,


Hi Abraham,

I opened the file and the surface is flat in Rhino. Originally the geometry was modeled with triangulars because of EnergyPlus, and the design of the facade is with 3D ‘pyramids’(to evaluate somehow how geometry influences performance), no it not anymore.I don’t know if the results of HB will be the same as in EP.



Hi Nita,

Indeed it will be interesting to reconstruct the process, from the original model to IDF and back.

The question is, for this case, is it worthwhile?
