Dear all,
While transferring model and simulation from Honeybee to Honeybee[+], from the help from this forum I was able to run both grid based and annual simulation in Honeybee[+] with daylight coefficient recipe. However I found the result difference is large. I was wondering if anyone had the same issue before, or there is something wrong with my simulation process.
The 2 gh files has same geometry, same material setting, and same weather file, with same BSDF shade, similar RadPar, running grid-based illuminance test for the same time (12/29 4 pm). The results from Honeybee[+] is as half as the ones from Honeybee, although the illuminance trend (where to be higher and where to be lower) remains the same:
Same wall, result from Honeybee
Result from Honeybee[+]
I was also able to run an annual run at Honeybee[+] with the BSDF material and read the HOY result from annual result, and it is about 30 lux less than the Honeybee[+] grid based simulation, on which my understanding is within the error margin (?). Is this difference caused by different interpretation of BSDF?
There is also another troubling issue while reading the annual result: when connecting hourlyValues to the runRadiance outputs after an annual run, the results for hourly values (for example 12/29 4 pm) is not the results in total…scene…default.ill (in result folder, open in excel and read the row result for a point at 12/29 4 pm) at the same hour. I was really confused by this one. What did I miss here?
Thanks for your help!