Hi all,
I’m trying to import a gbXML with construction assemblies with multiple layers. I can see all the layers into the gbXML file, and the Honeybee component seems able to read all the constructions and import them in the local library. However when I try to query the constructions generated in the library I can only see the first layer has been imported.
I assume this may be a bug of the component, but not really sure how to fix it.
See attached screenshots plus grasshopper file and gbXML file.
test02.xml (333.3 KB)
Honeybee gbxml import bug.gh (476.0 KB)
After many tests of possible walk-around I’ve upgraded the honeybee and ladybug components (Jan 2020) and openstudio from 2.5 to 2.8 and now all construction layers are showing.
Couldn’t get to import the “roughness” property of materials through the gbxml, but may be a shortfall of the gbxml scheme. I’ve generated a gbxml with openstudio and tried to import it in openstudio again and all the roughness properties were lost.
The Import gbxml component still seems quite unstable and kept crashing the Rhino session. One way I found works for now is setting the toggle to true without any file path connected, then connecting the file path string after.
Python is beyond my current skillset, but I hope this may be of help to improve the component. I’m currently using it to import gbxml files from Revit and once I got the component to load the information, I could run simulations with the energyplus solver with very few adjustments. Probably not best practice, as many of the zones imported are open breps, but so are the simulations run in Revit, and at least is easier to access the model data and simulation results.