Importing gbXML files

I am trying to import many gbXML files into grasshopper to run an energy analysis, I want find the import gbXML component and then write a python script to make a loop that make the analysis for the files I have and get the results. The problem is I can find only this component to load the gbXML and it gives errors.
However I downloaded open studio and climate studio but still could not find another component for the gbXML files

Hi @razan,

Coukd it be because of these:

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Thank you, I tried and now it gives this message

Hi @razan, that’s a warning rather than an error. You can either follow the advice, or continue and ignore it.

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Thank you very much, I have many gbXML files, is it possible to automate the process of importing the files then running the analysis??

Yes. Plug in a list of files gbXML files to the component and you will get out a list of Honeybee models.

If the Honeybee models that you get are valid according to the HB Validate Model component, then you can simulate them in EnergyPlus/OpenStudio. However, I doubt the results that you get will be meaningful since most gbXML files don’t carry specifications for schedules/loads and the creators of gbXML are only just adding in fields for HVAC systems into the gbXML schema now. So all of your gbXML models will be imported as “unconditioned” for now and you’ll need to assign HVAC systems with the relevant Honeybee components if you actually want to see heating/cooling loads or energy.

Thank you, Can you please send me an example for the script.
Actually yes I would like to find the annual energy consumption and daylighting levels.
the different gbxml files have different window sizes as I want to compare the energy consumption based on that.
I am trying to run the analysis but I am actually new on Grasshopper.

I tried to put a list of files, but it gives me an error

Hi @razan,

I think you have to learn grasshopper in the first place.
The path you are inputting is just one “path” description put together of all the paths you are inputting, instead of a list of paths.
In grasshopper there is a difference between “item”, “list” or “trees”.
For more info you can look here:

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