Importing IDF from Designbuilder for visualization

Hi, @chris

I am trying to import an IDF file with the respective zsz.csv file to visualize the cooling design in grasshopper.

The names of the rooms from the model don’t match the names from the zsz.csv file.
A part of the room name in the zsz.csv cooling design is missing. (eg: Block1_North (Room Name) and (Block1) (zsz.csv name)
I think this creates an issue in linking respective data with the zones.

epluszsz_to_GH.csv (34.5 KB)
Importing IDF from Designbuilder to (51.1 KB)


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Hey @Prethvi ,

The issue appears to be that there are colons in the names of the Rooms from Design Builder and this creates a lot of havoc for trying to parse the header of the CSV. It’s either that or DesignBuilder is using some other way of specifying the Room structure (maybe with spaces distinct from Rooms)?

Can you check the IDF output by DesignBuilder to see if the names have colons in them? If so, that would mean I can push a fix for it fairly easily.

Import_IDF_to_GH.idf (333.9 KB)
Hi @chris ,

Here is the idf file.
The Zone is named as Block1:West
Let me know how we proceed with this.

Hey @Prethvi ,

I just pushed a fix and you should be able to get it with the LB Versioner in an hour or so:

Hey @chris ,
Is the update ready ?

Hey @Prethvi ,

Yes, it has been available for the last 15 hours or so.

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Hi @chris ,
epluszsz_to_GH.csv (34.5 KB) (55.4 KB)
Import_IDF_to_GH.idf (333.9 KB)

The full name of the zone is still not imported from the zsz.csv file.

Hi @chris
Replacing manually the: with _ fixes the issue. Is there any way that the data gets imported fully from .zsz.csv file.

  • Prethvi.
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Ah, sorry about that, @Prethvi . There was a typo in my implementation (I forgot a comma). I just fixed it:

It should be available with the versioner in an hour. I verified that you get the full zone names with the fix:

Thanks again for reporting.

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Perfect it works now.