I want to import the results of CFD analysis (Ansys Fluent) to LB/HB to calculate the PET for outdoor thermal comfort in a complex urban environment.
I know how to couple the wind speed values for each point since the comfort recipe has the input for speed value, however, I don’t know how to import values for wind direction for each point? How can I import the wind directions to thermal comfort analysis?
I would use the CSV option for the windSpeed_ input to the microclimate recipe in order to input hourly wind speeds in for each point like those that you can get by evaluating a series of directional CFD studies in relation to EPW data. See this paper for a way of abstracting directional CDF results into wind factors and then hourly wind speed values.
I don’t know what you mean by “import the wind directions”. Only the speed of the wind affects the PET thermal comfort calculation. The direction does not change the PET model.
Dear Chris
Thank you for your reply and suggesting this paper to me.
Yes, I understand that UTCI and PET do not use wind direction as an input in their formulas explicitly.
However, wind direction will change the comfort values indirectly by changing the values of surface temperatures.
I was wondering how we can see the effect of wind direction on thermal comfort?
Is this correct that: Only we can change the wind direction in the EPW file? In this way we will have one direction for all the points of the grid and this value (wind direction) is extracted from the EPW file. Or, we can change the wind direction in other inputs to see its effect on PET, UTCI or even MRT(mean radiant temperature)?
Dear Chris
Thank you for your reply and suggesting this paper to me.
Yes, I understand that UTCI and PET do not use wind direction as an input in their formulas explicitly.
However, wind direction will change the comfort values indirectly by changing the values of surface temperatures.
I was wondering how we can see the effect of wind direction on thermal comfort?
Is this correct that: Only we can change the wind direction in the EPW file? In this way we will have one direction for all the points of the grid and this value (wind direction) is extracted from the EPW file. Or, we can change the wind direction in other inputs to see its effect on PET, UTCI or even MRT(mean radiant temperature)?
Dear Chris,
Thank you again,
I have the CSV file for wind speed for each point of the grid and that is perfectly working for me when calculating thermal comfort! I also have the CSV file of wind vector direction for each point of the grid as well.
I just want to know, is there any way to consider the indirect effect of the wind direction of each point on our thermal comfort indices such as PET, UTCI or MRT?
@Chris, first, my apologies for reviving an old post. But I just wanted to know if there is a tutorial or GH script that explains the workflow in the IBPSA paper mentioned in your post? I recall seeing a tutorial you did a while ago, and I think it explains the workflow I just don’t remember where I found it. I do remember that it was expensive to access.