Incidence of Roof Strategies for Urban Heat Island Mitigation

Hi @chris @mostapha

First of all, thanks for making all this possible, using your tools is part of my daily work and at the basis of my overall research. I’ve developed a script for Rural vs UHI intensity calculation, for that, I’ve followed a few of your tutorials for dragonfly/honeybee/uwg.

I am analyzing the incidence of certain strategies for mitigating the UHI. I have to say the model is responsive in terms of wall albedo, terrain conductivity and albedo, grass coverage, among others.

What is strange in terms of physics, the response of roof alb and roof veg changes something in terms of overall UHI average, but values are increasing (if I use an higher albedo or a green-covered roof, the overall temperature rises) or not changing at all (I am analyzing the summer nighttime period for better outputs, the same solution with lower roof alb has the same parameters).

Moreover, it seems I cannot use more than one DF Terrain, it means I cannot really quantify green areas or other specifics in urban terrain, since I can choose just one brep, albedo, conduct, thickness and vol capacity, what I did was to make a weighted average, that’s okay but maybe I am doing it wrong.

I’ve kinda solved by weightning the roof albedo and/or the roof veg values to be inserted in the DF Terrain component, but still, I don’t think this is the right way for doing the analysis. I’ve used the DF Boundary Layer with the default values (if I change those, it gives me error).

Please let me know if sharing my code can help, or if a direct review with you can be managed.
