Indoor Air Velocity Calculation

Hi everyone,
I’m using HB for a parametric thermal comfort study on a single-zone office building,
for this purpose, I need to calculate a number of annual thermal comfort indices that take indoor air velocity into account, but I cannot find any component in HB that outputs the list of hourly indoor air velocities.
(however, I’ve found "Honeybee_PMV Comfort Analysis Recipe " component which calculates that, based on the zone volume, hourly flow volume and EPW wind speed for outdoor conditions, Which I don’t know it’s exact formula)

Can anyone help me on this issue?

I don’t believe any component gives indoor air velocity. You’ll need to perform indoor airflow study using butterfly to get this.

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hi Devang,
Thanks for your answer.

then do you know how does it calculates PMV without knowing the air velocity value?

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Hi Nimafo
I think you can use the local climate data to simulate the outdoor wind environment and use the building wind pressure to calculate the window wind speed

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