Hello eneryone,
I’m trying to create a inddor comfort map,but i have a question about the testpoints generated by Honeybee_IndoorViewFactorCalculator.My model is single zone with 4m width and 6m depth,the gridsize is set to be 1, but the testpoints genarated by this component is not uniformly distributed.
.Is there any possible to set a good order of the testpoints in IndoorViewFactorCalculator,just as the testpts genarated by Honeybee_GenerateZoneTestPoints.
@devang Thanks for your response,I tried to connect Brep coming out of Honeybee_Masses2Zones component to the _HBZones input of Honeybee_View Factor Calculator component,there is no window on the surface,but the testpoingts is still same as before.I don’t know why.
@mercury1123 ,
The easy way to override the generation of test points by the view factor calculator is to plug a surface into the distFromFlrOrSrf that has the characteristics that you are hoping to capture. It seems that there’s probably something about the floor surface of your zone that is causing it to de meshed oddly. I’ll try to check your file as soon as I get the chance but I would recommend plugging in a different surface for the time being.
Yea, there are some functions in the view factor component that try to format your floor surface but, in this case, they seem to be causing the mesh to become triangulated at the corners: