Inlet air temperature setpoint not being met

Hi LB forum.

I would like control over the inlet air temperature, but the system that I’ve created doesn’t ramp up the (autozised) coil capacity to meet the supply inlet air temperature of 17 oC, when my cooling setpoint is not met.

Any suggestions why?


Can you check whether you set the AllOutdoorAirInCooling and AllOutdoorAirInHeating to TRUE, the results will be changed? I see your type of load in sizing the system is Sensible, Can you change it to VentilationRequirement and evaluate the results?

Sorry did you take your configuration based on a special standard in terms of the number used in the setup?
Can you check if you choose a template by the IronBug (VRF+DOAS) and setting your custom defined setpoint in the template, you will get closer to your targets?

I hope this help.


Hi @behnammmohseni

Thanks for your reply.

I managed to solve the issue by lowering the OH set point to 5.1 oC. The Outdoor Air Setpoint component works on a linear function on the two setpoints.

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