IronBug crashing, I think plant loop issue?

I am hoping someone can give me some general advice dealing with IronBug. I have built a large model using Ironbug - 88 zones, 13+ Air Loops, 3 HW loops, CHW and Condenser loop, etc.

I am constantly battling crashes. When I reopen the .gh file I get an immediate crash about 50% of the time. I also get crashes often when editing minor details on AirLoops.

My only remedy is to lock solver, disable all IronBug plant loops, and slowly re enable the plant loops one at a time. Suffice to say this is very detrimental to efficient work.

Are there error logs anywhere that could explain what is happening? I think the issue is somewhere in the plant loops but that’s just a guess.

I am on Windows, Rhino 8 SR 15, LBT 1.8 and the associated IronBug version from the pollination installer.