Ironbug - Custom SHW Loop


I am trying to create a cystom Service Hot Water Loop using Ironbug. I managed to create a hot water looop for water and I can see it in OpenStudio. However I always get a default District Heating Service Hot water Loop as well which I don’t need.

I also noticed that the default loop has the right water use loads as specified in the DHW programs, but the custom loop I make has a different “default” water use which I haven’t specified, even though I am connecting the zones to the WaterUseEquipment.

Is there a way to stop creating the default loop, as I get SHW energy measured twice? Any ideas why the right load is not picked up in the loop I am creating is also welcome.

Thank you,

Hi @Nala,

When you use the Ironbug to create your own custom systems, you will have to remove the template DHW system from Honeybee. Since Honeybee’s and Ironbug’s systems operate independently and are unaware of each other’s existence, you must manually configure your water use load within Ironbug systems.

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Thank you @MingboPeng. I removed the HB DHW and calculated the water load manually before adding it to Ironbug. it seems to work fine. :blush: