I am trying to run a model using the VAV w Reheat template system but I continue to get the error Optional Not Initialized from the Save File component. I am working with Ironbug version 1.0 and OpenStudio version 3.1. @MingboPeng do you know why this is happening?
Hi @ELeriche, without looking your file, it is hard to guess what went wrong. Could you please simplify your model and upload your gh file here for me to check?
Hi @MingboPeng ,
Sorry for the late reply, attached is my grasshopper file and Rhino file. Troubleshooting Geometry.3dm (67.4 KB)
Troubleshooting.gh (237.0 KB)
Hi @ELeriche,
When I opened your model I got a different error to yours (In IronBug thermal zone - HBZones it says no valid zones).
If your still stuck you could try going through the recommendations on this page: Ladybug Tools Forum Guidelines