Ironbug pre-heat/de-ice (Hx coil pre heat recovery)

Dunno if I am just totally blanking today but I cant seem to get my Hx coil pre-first recovery device as seen below: it’s placing it in the exh path of the loop


I’ve only used the OpenStudio App drag & drop interface before, but I think anything before the outdoor air system will be put in the return air path, so moving it after the OA system should fix that.

Here’s an annotation for the merge tree component input that should give you a typical OA w/ recovery => cooling coil => heating coil => fan => demand loop configuration.

Also why are there two heat recovery systems?

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This apparently did the trick:

as for the two wheels: link to a publication on the subject I enjoy a lot


@TrevorFedyna, thanks for sharing the reference and solution, I definitely misinterpreted your question, it’s a DOAS that recovers dehumidifcation, cools the air, then recovers heat through a enthalpy and sensible wheel, cool.