Is it possible to give the "peak melting temp" in PCM as a variable?

Can the “peak melting temp” be given as a variable to the genome (in Galapagos or Wallacei)? I have 4 melting temp. How is this done?
Thanks for your help.

PCM.3dm (54.9 KB) (150.3 KB)

to do this you have to rewrite the text you use as add_str dividing it into two parts as a panel to exclude the peak melting temp value which you set with a 4-value slider and reconstruct all the text in the exact order using Concatenate Text. so you can use the slider in galapagos or wallcei.

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Thank you for your help. I did what you said and got this error. I want to change the position (3 modes), thickness (4 modes) and melting temperature of the phase change material (5 modes) and give it to the genome. Is this my file correct? thank you.
PCM.3dm (54.9 KB) (152.2 KB)

No, this method is wrong! I changed your method. Also, @MassimilianoBusnelli’s method said true, and you didn’t do it correctly.

image (132.4 KB)



Thanks for your help.
PCM.3dm (54.9 KB) (136.8 KB)