Is there a way to speed up ReadEPResults?

Inspired by @MingboPeng 's post here:

Is there a way to speed up the LoadEPResults component if I know what I’m looking for? I only want monthly values normalized by zone floor area. It seems that bringing in hourly data into grasshopper is slow. Also, the component requires the zones be made within gh to normalize by area. gbXML import warns that zones and data may not align. Is there a way to do this within a single, faster import module that eliminates the need to recreate zones parallel to the .idf import? I am trying to run many small models and importing the data takes half the calc time.

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Hey @LelandCurtis

If you just need monthly data, you can just set EPOutput with monthly timestep.

This should be able to solve your problem from upstream.


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@MingboPeng, Wow. I’ve been holding onto that hourly output since I was creating 8760 charts of surface energy flow. I forgot that input was even there. Dumb questions reveal dumb mistakes! Thanks for the help Mingbo.